Papers Accepted: 1053

Paper submission

Abstract should contain a maximum of 200 words.

Please, kindly note that it is mandatory to submit a paper in order to present your work at FA2023.

Papers should be submitted as PDF files. The file size should not exceed 25 MB. To avoid erroneous layout changes, please save the documents’ drafts in .doc (i.e., not in .docx) and then in the final PDF version. Since the MW Equation Editor is disabled for .doc files, equations should be inserted as images. In particular, we recommend opening an empty .docx file, writing the equations using the same font as the Forum Acusticum template, and then copying and pasting the equations inside the final .doc file.

The templates in Word and LaTeX for the short and long paper can be downloaded below:

All papers must be compliant with the formatting guidelines provided in this template for papers indexing purposes and timely reviews. Any paper that varies from this format will be returned to the author(s) for re-formatting using the presented guidance. Only papers conforming to the template guidelines will be included in the proceedings.

Presentation Layouts:

Dowload here the Power Point layout for your Oral Presentation (Acusticum2023_TEMPLATE – Rev. 2) or Poster (Acusticum2023_TEMPLATE Poster).

Posters must have these dimentions: length 70 cm and height 100 cm.

The Conference Proceedings are indexed in SCOPUS and are available in the EAA website.

Selected papers will be published in special issues in Acta Acustica and in other international journals.

Forum Acusticum  – Special Issues

N Title Journal Impact Factor Guest Editor
1 Vibro-Acoustics Acta Acustica 1,4 José Roberto de França Arruda   & Alessandro Schiavi
2 Active Control of Sound and Vibration Acta Acustica 1,4 Jordan Cheer & Paolo Gardonio
3 Musical Acoustics Acta Acustica 1,4 Michele Ducceschi & Sebastian Gonzalez
4 Virtual Acoustics Acta Acustica 1,4 Michael Vorländer & Lauri Savioja
5 Physical acoustics and Ultrasound Acta Acustica 1,4 Nico F. Declercq
6 Numerical, computational and theoretical acoustics Acta Acustica 1,4 Stefan Schoder & Andrea Santoni
7 Research, education and dissemination in acoustics Acoustics in Practice (EAA) Miguel Ausejo Prieto

Karolina Jaruszewska

8 Latest Advances in Building Acoustics Building Acoustics 1,7 Stefan Schoenwald, Luca Barbaresi
9 Latest Advances in Soundscape Noise Mapping 2,8 Brigitte Schulte Fortkamp, Andre Fiebig  & Francesco Aletta
10 Room Acoustics Applied Acoustics 3,4 Ingo Witew, Dario D’Orazio & Francesco Martellotta
11 Latest Advances in Environmental Acoustics Acoustics 2,1 Fabienne Anfosso & Jian Kang

Deadlines for registration and payment

Deadlines for abstracts and papers

15th February  2023 Abstract submission

28th February 2023 Abstract revision by session Chairs

10th March 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance

20th May 2023 Paper submission

9th July 2023 Final paper submission

7th August 2023 Notification of final paper acceptance

Two papers are included in the registration fee.

Any additional paper requires an additional fee of € 100,00 VAT 22%incl.

The authors can submit either a short paper from 2 to 4 pages or a long paper of max. 8 pages. All papers will be peer-reviewed.

EAA Awards

The following EAA-awards will be presented during the opening ceremony of Forum Acusticum 2023, the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association:

  • The EAA Award for lifetime achievements in Acoustics
  • The EAA Award for contributions to the promotion of Acoustics in Europe


Best Student Paper Award – call for applications

The Best Student Paper Award funded by the HEAD-Genuit Foundation will be granted 500 Euro for 6 winners each.

To be eligible for these awards you must be a young acoustician who has been enrolled in a University for a Bachelor, Master or PhD and have less than 35 years of age on the 31st of December 2023. You also must be the first author of a paper to be presented in Forum Acusticum 2023 by yourself either in person or online in line with the conference format.

The winners will be announced at the conference’s closing ceremony and their names will appear in the EAA Newsletter and other online formats as appropriate.

If you meet the necessary conditions, submit your application. Submissions will be accepted until the 30th of June 2023.

How to apply:

  • Submit your abstract for Forum Acusticum 2023 using this website:
  • Record the reference given to you upon submission of your abstract.
  • Download and complete the Best Student Paper Award Application Form here.
  • This is a highly competitive process for a limited number of awards, ensure you provide all the information requested on the form.
  • Include a one-page professional biography of yourself.
  • Include a copy of your abstract submission.
  • Include a copy of some photo identity (e.g. driving license, passport)
  • Combine all the above in one single PDF file and email it to Title your email FA2023 Best Paper Award Application.

EAA Travel Grants

The travel grants to be awarded will be 500 Euro and Free Registration for 10 winners each.

To be eligible for the travel grants you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a young researcher/student enrolled on a university course (Bachelor, Master, PhD) or already have a Master or PhD degree;
  • Be no more than 30 years old on the 31st of December 2023;
  • Be an author in a paper that will be presented in Forum Acusticum 2023 (it is not compulsory to be the first author);
  • Be a citizen or working in a country with Acoustics National Societies which belong to the EAA;
  • Be a member of the country’s National Society (valued but not mandatory).

If you meet the necessary conditions, submit your application. Submissions will be accepted until the 28th of February 2023.

We are glad to announce the Travel Grants’ winners:

(Antoine) Minon Tsikpo-Kossi Kodji
Caroline Elisabeth Haas
Diana Vardanyan
Ela Fasllija
Jaime Galiana Nieves
Julia Seitz
Lily Paulick
Marcjanna Czapla
Mounir Tafkirte
(Xander) Alexander James Pike